Jacob + Brandy ~ Uptown Charlotte Engagement

I’ve been so excited to share these! Brandy & Jacob recently had their wedding so be excited to see lots of this couple on the blog shortly! Living within the city, they wanted their engagement images to reflect the fun uptown Charlotte city feel. We walked around the city, laughed A LOT (these two know more movie quotes than anyone I’ve ever met), and I loved getting to know them better as a couple.  Enjoy a look into our uptown Charlotte engagement session!

Nicole - um…when my sister gets married, which is probably pretty soon, I want you to photograph her wedding!

Ashley goodwin - AWWWW way to make me miss the city! LOVE the skyline shot in the last frame!!

June Goals ~ Personal

Hi there everyone! Gosh how is it already June (am I the only one surprised by this?) Things have been busy around here while in the middle of Spring wedding season (and LOVING it!), so I wanted to keep myself accountable by making a June Goals list and sharing it with you all. Sharing it with the world means I BETTER get it done, right? So here’s a little look into the “to do” list of business and life that I want to accomplish within this month!

1. Blog more! Especially with all the weddings, bridals, & engagements as of recent, I can’t wait to share all the beauty and happiness I’ve been witness to lately. I’ve really loved getting to know the 2013 couples and share in their special day – lots of happy tears have been shed every weekend! I have also been asked some photography questions lately and would love to share some more personal tidbits about our happenings around here – so look forward to more personal posts to!

2. Finish decorating the office! One of my favorite parts of our new house is the office to call my own! It has french double doors, a window that lets in soft light, and I recently purchased a love seat & coffee table that make me swoon whenever I enter the office! It’s starting to get “client ready” and I can’t wait to host & have meetings right here in the office! Now if only I could make a decision on how I want things hung up in here — but I’m getting excited!

3. I joined the gym last month and I made a promise to go AT LEAST 3x a week (if not more!) I’ve been sticking to that promise (for the most part), but I’d like to get on a consistent schedule. I think pre-planning which classes and workouts I will go to for the whole month will get me up and moving in the morning for the classes. It’s better than checking the schedule daily and deciding whether or not I’m “in the mood” to sweat.

4. Date nights. They are so incredibly important for a strong marriage. Especially during the busy wedding season, it’s more important than ever to shut the computer down at a good time and spend quality time with the husband. Our work schedules are pretty much the opposite, so it’s important to plan out our date nights and quality time together!

5. This may seem like a silly one, but drink more water. Especially since I’ve been working out more (and it’s starting to get HOT out in this southern humidity around here), water is so so important! I have never been one that likes the “taste” of water when I’m not being active or working out. My Mom introduced me to these amazing Dasani Drops that taste like pineapple/coconut and I’m in LOVE! I just add a few drops so it adds a little “somethin somethin” and YUMMO!! Cheers to staying hydrated & healthy this summer!

I could probably write about 50 goals that I have swimming around in my brain, but it’s important to set a small amount of goals so that the list of things doesn’t overwhelm and shut me down from getting anything done!! As soon as I wake up I make a “daily must” list that breaks down bigger tasks that have future deadlines. That way things are getting done and I feel productive. What are some of your June goals? And below are a few sneak peeks of posts that are coming this way soon!

Justin & Bridget ~ Freedom Park Engagement

Justin & Bridget are simply sweet together. I think I said “awwwwwww” and “adorable!” like 100x times throughout the session! We had fun exploring Charlotte and ended up at Freedom Park where we found the most epic glowy sunset ! I love when sunlight just seems to wrap around a couple with warmth and orangey goodness! Anyway, I can’t WAIT for their upcoming wedding. These two are so in love they just simply melt when together. The session was filled with laughter and lots and lots of snuggles. I loved getting to know you both and your adorable love story! Enjoy the sneak into their sweet & comfortable love. xox

Jenna Miller - These are so, so beautiful. The couple looks super happy and fun.