~ Back in Town ~

Wow, has 2 weeks really flown by that fast? I spent the last two weeks visiting husband and family in wonderful Charlotte, North Carolina. Before I left I had taken pictures and was all ready for some awesome postings! The only problem was …. my old friend MacBookPro decided not to turn back on once we arrived to Charlotte. Although I was feeling a strange mixture of frustrated and sad, I decided to take the time to relax and create lists (oh I LOVE my lists) of the *musts* that are going to be happening in the coming months! On that list is branding a new website (gulp) and rockin’ out some sample albums! To be honest the list could be pages long but it’s important to take things one item at a time (one day at a time!) Not only did Charlotte rock because I got to spend much needed time with family and go house hunting, but it was a great time to hit a big *PAUSE* button on my typically hectic life and schedule and get back to *ME* I feel fresh, rejuvenated, and peaceful. Since I had a chance to relax, I found some really great *stuff* out there that I’m really excited to share with ya’ll. Please watch it as an escape from a busy work day, a hectic schedule, …. or stressful/frustrating times. This video is a perfect example of the emotional power of art in various forms. It brings me to another dimension of calm, and I hope you get lost in it’s wonder as much as I did during my break.

Peace my friends.

Thought of You from Ryan J Woodward on Vimeo.

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