Welcome to the first posting of “Date Night Thursday”! When I was in graduate school, my focus was on marriage & family therapy. It didn’t surprise anyone when I delved head first into photographing couples (engagements and weddings). I am what you would call a “sap”. I love all things love and I think being in relationship is one of the most powerful (and beautiful) emotional experiences we share. What I learned was that most couples don’t find time for each other… specifically date nights. With the hustle and bustle of our lives, date nights get lost under the piles of bills to be kept up with, working late into the night on those grad school papers or work assignments, tending to children, making dinner each night (bc lets face it, who can afford eating out EVERY night), and the list goes on and on. The more I think about it, the more exhausted I feel. Sometimes it seems that life isn’t designed to help couples reconnect and relax with one another. At least here in the United States it isn’t. The more and more date nights get put on hold, the more into the distance they’ll become. In starting up this weekly column, multiple people admitted that it had been a long while since they had gone on any resemblance of a date night. So I decided to start this project as a way to give real life couples (yes you) ideas that other real life couples are doing to forget stress for a few hours and enjoy the special bond that they share. One date night a week is really important to the maintenance of a healthy relationship. Once a week you might ask??? I promise, it can be as simple as cooking together or taking the dog on a long walk through the park. I also wanted to debunk the myth that date nights must be extravagant outings filled with champagne, evening gowns, and all the adventurous “dates” that are seen on the popular show “The Bachelor”. I mean, heck, if you experience those types of dates, by all means share! (how exciting!) But for the majority, it’s not an option. So I’m here to let you know that date nights/date days come in all shapes or sizes. I highly suggest NOT talking about stress related to work or bringing up issues having to do with your mate. Instead, use it as a time to reflect on the positives of the relationship, enjoy the “you and me” time, and use it as a chance to relax together – hand-in-hand. It’s a time to reconnect (and have fun!) So each week I will be highlighting a real-life-couple who wants to share a fun date night they had. Maybe you and your honey might enjoy the same type of date? My goal is to start a “date night” movement in that couples everywhere (married or dating) can once again find time to reconnect with one another (without breaking the bank!) If YOU would like to share an experience or idea you have, PLEASE don’t hesitate to e-mail me and share! (alicia@aliciawhitephoto.com) I’d LOVE to hear about it and highlight/post you on the blog! Without further ado, our first real-life-couple and their fun date night!
This particular couple might seem familiar. If you’ve been following the blog, you might recognize Lisa-Marie and Seth Doherty – I shot their beautiful wedding last summer! (wow it’s almost been a year already!) I loved their unique and simple date night idea – concerts are a great way to spend time together! (below are some pics from their date!)
“Well a little while ago we went to see a Led Zepplin cover band, Zoso, at the Norva (Norfolk, VA). I don’t LOVE 80s hair metal, but Seth promised me a good time! We live in downtown Norfolk, so we just walked there together! Once arrived, I was initially blown away by the atmosphere. Everyone was SO pumped about the Led Zepplin experience even before the band got onstage. When they finally started up, I couldn’t help but jam to the tunes even though I didn’t know the words. The lead singer and the guitarist were so cuh-razy entertaining to watch, and I love that Seth kept his arms around me the whole time and sang along in my ear. Seeing a cover band is definitely a great date idea. First, you get the experience without having to pay the heavy price for seeing the original band. Second, who doesn’t love dancing with their hunny? Third, it’s always fun to lose yourself in a different era with the one you love.”
Aren’t they cute? Thanks for sharing you two!!! Have a great date you’d like to share? E-mail me!! (alicia@aliciawhitephoto.com)
Mary Marantz - LOVE this idea!! You’re going to rock it!